Comprehensive analysis to support engineering solutions
S³ provides high-end systems engineering support in order to establish the technical framework and methodology for delivering materiel capabilities to the war-fighter. Our efforts encompass the entire set of scientific, technical, and managerial support efforts needed to conceive and evolve requirements, develop and verify capabilities, and deploy, support, sustain, and eventually dispose of robust products, platforms, systems, or integrated System-of-Systems/Family of Systems to meet user needs.
S³ applies critical analysis and assessment to produce a coherent, improved capability and to balance conflicting design constraints with cost, schedule, support ability, security, and performance considerations while maintaining an acceptable and stable level of risk. We document our engineering planning in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), which identifies the most effective and efficient path to deliver the desired capability, from identifying user needs and concepts through delivery and sustainment.
S³ customers benefit from our systems engineering approach, methodology, and many years of experience, all of which are essential to delivering realistic and achievable program performance, schedule, and cost goals; our integrated, consistent, and repeatable processes achieve optimal levels of low risk; and our enduring, professional insight helps clarify system life-cycle resource requirements.
S³ has strong capabilities to support engineering requirements in DoD, all US Military Services, and other selected security agencies with materiel requirements. The dominant share of our experience is with the US Army for aviation, missile, communications and electronics, and close combat systems.
S³ provides technical support to the US Army, other Military Services, and selected government agencies for aviation engineering.
Types of functional support are listed below:
S³ provides engineering and integration support for the development of simulation, software, and primary/ancillary systems.
S³ assists its customers in executing engineering support function for aviation, missiles, communications and electronics, and simulation/simulators. S³ often delivers this support through Government platforms and systems Project Managers (PM). Functional capabilities making up this support are listed below:
S³ provides engineering life cycle management support to a significant number of aviation, close combat, and missile weapon systems. Representative systems include the Javelin, Hellfire Missile, ATACMS, 2.75 FFAR Rocket System, and the Missile Launch Rocket System (MLRS). In addition to providing engineering and integration support to these and other systems, S³ also makes available cyber assessment and protection solutions, particularly for systems with RF tracking and navigation systems.
Functional assistance provided routinely to our customers includes the following: